I chose to beautify the word "Bitter'
There is a negativity that oozes out of this word and the attitude of those who choose to let it poison their every thought.
It can infect those around and brings no beauty to the world.
Image Courtesy of Josh Cadwallader
The book will feature artwork from several designers including: (not a full list)
David Quay
James Lewis
Adam Lane
Ben Argo
Shon Price
Jonathan Faust
Wansiya Visupakanjana
Joan Quiros
Jord Noorbeek
Franz Jeitz
Nick Misani
Leo Kirincic
Andreas Pedersen
Justyna Frackiewicz
Megi Satyo Widodo
Rik Oostenbroek
Jeremy Friend
Edgar Walthert
Eddy Mumbles
Typo Steve
Chad Palmer
Scott Russell
It's A Living
Jorgen Grotdal
Mark Van Leeuwen
Chae Ho Lee
Nim B Reuven
Phoebe Cornog
Roxy Prima